When I think about how culture views humanity, the first thing that comes to mind is conditional value. For those who believe we’re just a chance conglomeration of molecules, brought about by evolution, human life has no intrinsic value. Everyone… Continue Reading →
By now, most of us have heard the term “Emotional Regulation”. As believers, we call it “emotional self-control”. We also know it as: Not freaking out; getting a hold of ourselves; keeping it together; not losing it; not blowing up;… Continue Reading →
As I was watching our sweet dog Trooper try and fail to catch a rabbit in our yard, I thought, “I’m glad he didn’t catch it!” A hunter might want their dog to catch animals, but I don’t. My delight… Continue Reading →
Do you ever feel like you’re at the mercy of every notification, message, and request that comes in? Yes, those notifications abound, and the higher up we go, the more often they sound. Does that mean we have to attend… Continue Reading →
Recently a new friend shared with me how she wondered if she was being too picky—both with who to hire for a position under her, and who to date as a possible husband. “My sister says my list of requirements… Continue Reading →
Few of us, especially in leadership, want to be out of control when it comes to our emotions. Losing our cool isn’t cool, and could make us lose others’ respect, acceptance in a group, and/or our job. Everyone likes and… Continue Reading →
Become the kind of person that others decide isn’t as bad as they thought! Doesn’t that sound negative? No, because it means we can improve people’s expectations of us by improving our character and demonstrating the change. Sad but… Continue Reading →
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Eph. 4:29 As I was reading Eph. 4 the other… Continue Reading →
Freedom comes from understanding, which comes from the Holy Spirit. Where do we get that understanding? Job 32:8 tells us—“But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” Understanding of:… Continue Reading →
Hint: What got us into whatever mess we’re in won’t get us out of it. There’s a lot we can do to get ourselves in trouble, bad circumstances, and/or psychological distress. Anger/aggression, dishonesty, disloyalty, lack of self-control, irresponsibility, laziness,… Continue Reading →
Don’t just think outside the box, discard the box! One day, while cleaning out our mudroom, my husband and I realized we couldn’t even get to the door because of too many boxes in the way. Ones we realized… Continue Reading →
…don’t wear it! Remember when we were kids and put on our parents’ shoes and tried to walk around in them? The high heels were the worst (if you tried them)! They were so hard to move anywhere in, it… Continue Reading →
“The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way.” Jn. 4:50 Here is something we learned from buying a used car last year that had hidden problems and took five attempts to fix:… Continue Reading →
Wouldn’t it be great if we could say “yes” to everything and everyone? Yes, to joining every event. Yes, to living near everyone we love and like. Yes, to eating every kind of food and still yes to good health(!)… Continue Reading →
Recently, while out on a walk in the park with our dog Trooper, we encountered a guy and his dog approaching us, a short distance away. Immediately my husband, given the appearance of both dog and man, started pulling Trooper… Continue Reading →
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