Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Power to proclaim

When we are embarking upon significant task it’s normal for us to want to know the details. That’s why the disciples asked Jesus about the timing of the restoration of the kingdom: So when they had come together, they were… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The great Commission is not an option to considered, but a command to be obeyed. Hudson Taylor Put on your sanctified imagination and imagine that Jesus has returned to heaven after finishing the work of redemption by paying the price… Continue Reading →

Living With No Regrets

The recognition of our mortality is a sobering experience.  When we’re young we don’t give much thought to death, however, this past week I attended two funerals.  As we consider the brevity of life it causes us to reflect upon… Continue Reading →

God’s Plan for the Harvest

As we consider the task of reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it may seem overwhelming at times.  The population of the world is 7 billion people and over one third  (2.7 billion people)  have never heard… Continue Reading →

Lessons From Guatemala

¡Hola!  I’m grateful  for the opportunity to go to Guatemala with a great team of folks.  Here are some basic facts about Guatemala:  It is Mexico’s southern neighbor and is a land of mountains, volcanoes and lakes.  It is about… Continue Reading →

Let the Nations be Glad

Is it wrong to ask for God’s blessings?  That was the prayer of the Psalmist, God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us— Selah.  (Psalm 67:1) We see that the Psalmist’s motive… Continue Reading →

Life Up Your Eyes

How often do you see the world from God’s perspective?  We can become so inundated with the minutia of life that we can miss what is significant from God’s perspective.   The disciples also had this problem at times.  Jesus… Continue Reading →

Back to India

A small team from First Baptist Church and LifePark had a great opportunity and privilege to travel back to India!   Sensing God’s clear leading, Ron and Libby Dillon and Rick Higgins embarked on a journey to India to encourage and… Continue Reading →

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