Recently, during church service, a young man, age 22, gave a testimony about his faith journey, leading up to where he’s at now. He spoke of the many questions he’s had, how the Lord used others to bring him to… Continue Reading →
We live in a world filled with a variety of influences. Our challenge is to discern which influences are from God and which ones are from the world. The Apostle John instructs us that we need to test the spirits:… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt like your trust in the Lord is growing old, like bread left out on the counter for a few days? Getting hard, stale, and a bit crusty, with only fond memories of when it was fresh?… Continue Reading →
What is your response when discouragement seems overwhelming? The more we think about the situation the greater our frustration grows until we may even despair of life. The great British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, declared, “There are dungeons beneath the castles… Continue Reading →
Pick them up! Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes we make them go wrong by “blowing it”—either through neglect, making a mistake, or through lack of good character (aka sin). What do we do when that happens? Some natural responses include:… Continue Reading →
We face a myriad of challenges in this world. We can face these situations with confidence, knowing that God enables us to walk in victory. When you are seeking to follow God, you may feel like a salmon swimming upstream…. Continue Reading →
A few months ago, while walking our dog, my husband and I noticed a tree branch hanging on to a telephone wire about twenty feet in the air. The branch, though small, had managed to straddle its two spindly legs… Continue Reading →
Challenges and opposition from others are a fact of life that we will inevitably encounter. Nehemiah was seeking to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but he faced significant opposition. We must realize that opposition can be a help to us;… Continue Reading →
Matters matter, but our responses matter more and longer. Yes, what happens to us matters. Getting hired vs. getting fired. Passing vs. failing an exam. Birth vs. death (of anyone or anything). Winning vs. losing. Starting a relationship vs. ending… Continue Reading →
Last week, on our evening walk, my husband, dog, and I passed our neighbors’ houses and noticed one lawn freshly mowed, with the one next to it definitely needing mowing. Each one made us notice the other one more. The… Continue Reading →
Have you ever gotten really down or upset over someone that doesn’t care about you? Here’s a principle I’ve found that works: Care less about those who couldn’t care less! This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about people’s needs or… Continue Reading →
Several weeks ago we got what seemed to be a great deal on a used car. It had passed state inspection, had a reasonable amount of miles with a reasonable price, good gas mileage, and its make was deemed #1… Continue Reading →
We often associate a person’s actions or character with their name. Barnabas was such an example. He was an individual who encouraged those he met. We are introduced to Barnabas in the book of Acts: Now Joseph, a Levite of… Continue Reading →
In Mat. 3:16-17 (and other Gospel accounts) we read how just after Jesus was baptized, the Lord’s voice came “thundering” from heaven, saying “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased!” “Sure”, we think, “I have no… Continue Reading →
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh Ok, so this concept is quoted from a crazy artist who cut off his own ear. But that should actually encourage us, since it means… Continue Reading →
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