decisionbookOne of my students in Germany (Dankeschön Stefan) introduced me to this book and I’m thankful it’s been translated into English.  The original title is “50 Erfolgsmodelle, kleines Handbuch für strategische Entscheidungen” a literal translation is “50 Success models, small handbook for strategic decisions” which is an apt description of the book.

This is an excellent handbook for anyone mentoring someone else.  The book is divided into four sections:

1) How to improve yourself
2) How to understand yourself
3) How to understand others better
4) How to improve others

The book is basic and concise in its treatment providing an executive summary of the various models.  An advantage of the book is its brevity and simplicity providing practical tips and ideas along with a pithy quotation for each model.

A model that I found especially helpful and that I have started using is the result optimization model.  “The result optimization model divides the available time into three sequences (loops) of equal length, thereby forcing the project manager to complete the project three times” (p. 146).  Max Depree wisely noted, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.”  This book will help you define reality.

Higgins, RickDr. Rick Higgins
Professor of Discipleship, Columbia International University