IF WE WANT PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO US, WE HAVE TO BE APPROACHABLE! Does this house look welcoming? What do you think it says about the people who live there? We often walk past here, and for 3 years,… Continue Reading →
Lately I’ve been hearing often from people who tell me “he/she/they don’t understand!” That’s frustrating! Sometimes it’s their husband or wife. Or their kids. Or their parents. Or even a co-worker. Always, it’s someone who matters. We need these people… Continue Reading →
IT’S EASY TO STAY CALM WHEN YOU KNOW THE SHAKING WON’T HURT YOU! A few nights ago, I put all my bread ingredients in the bread-making machine, set the delay-timer to have it done in 13 hours, and went off… Continue Reading →
As with many other churches, what started as a major adjustment has become a tool for broader reach—live-streaming services. The only drawback we can see is people who substitute this for coming in person but prefer to stay home because… Continue Reading →
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Beginning is half done.” But how do you get yourself to begin when it seems so overwhelming? Thoughts like, “It’s way too much for me!”, or “I can never finish, so why even start?!”, come… Continue Reading →
Back in Girl-Scout days we used to sing a song that started with, “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly…” Doesn’t sound very pleasant, does it? But wait, it gets worse! It goes on to state, “I know… Continue Reading →
The best leaders are those who decide to decide– and do it! If leaders don’t decide, followers have nothing to follow, which means the leader will no longer be leading. Indecision is a decision. If we don’t keep going, turn… Continue Reading →
Recently I was leading a group-coaching session in which all members expressed some hesitancy to show all their strengths in certain situations. Everyone on the call are leaders, mid-level management and up. All are experts in their role, and all… Continue Reading →
True leaders of any kind know “Teamwork makes the dream work.” In fact I first heard this truth from my daughter-in-love. She’s mainly used it with our toddler and pre-school grandsons, who want to do just about everything by themselves!… Continue Reading →
My first meeting with a new client was happening soon, so I did what we all do—went to my closet to look for just the right outfit. Ok, I’ll confess, the pants didn’t matter so much, since we were meeting… Continue Reading →
“’Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.’” Josh. 14:12 A guy… Continue Reading →
Have you ever heard the expression, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you”? Or, “Ignorance is bliss”? Whoever says that is either unaware of, or choosing to ignore, hidden destructive elements in life. Take carbon monoxide gas, for example—we can’t… Continue Reading →
Stradivarius violins are not meant to be treated or played like trumpets, no matter how nice a trumpet may sound! Or, as Oscar Wilde put it, “Be yourself– Everybody else is taken!” What does this mean? Even as a child,… Continue Reading →
Some time ago I wrote about choosing our battles. As an illustration, I used our dog Trooper, when he decided to make himself comfortable in my favorite chair and I decided it wasn’t worth fighting over. Often in life we… Continue Reading →
Happy Passover!… Happy Palm Sunday!… Solemn observance of Good Friday… Happy Resurrection Sunday! Please meditate on the connection between all of these: First– Jesus comes into Jerusalem, the national capital, as the humble King He is, to the cries of… Continue Reading →
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