The history of mankind chronicles a battle between good and evil. The Bible identifies good as those individuals who walk in the light as opposed to evil as those who walk in the darkness. Those who follow God are engaged… Continue Reading →
We are immersed in a world that appeals to our fleshly desires. The Apostle Paul taught us that we are not to battle in the flesh, but we must recognize our spiritual weapons: For though we walk in the flesh,… Continue Reading →
Are you aware of Satan’s strategy? Satan is prowling about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The book of Genesis reveals how Satan introduced sin into the world. God created a beautiful environment, but lurking in the… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt like something or someone was holding you back from getting to where you needed to go? You set out enthusiastically toward your goal, but before long you find yourself entangled—mired–held back—by circumstances, people, your thoughts, limitations… Continue Reading →
What comes to mind as you think of getting ready for a battle? The Apostle Paul gives us practical advice in his letter to the Ephesians. He advises us to be prepared for the battle as he instructs us on… Continue Reading →
It’s important to be appropriately dressed for the occasion that you’re attending. Consider some of the equipment a football player wears: cleats, padded pants, shoulder pads, mouth guard, and a helmet. What would happen if he tried to return a… Continue Reading →
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