Recently we were talking with a new believer friend who feels like it’s ok to keep sinning, because we’re only human, and God understands. He was looking for a way out of having to change certain things in his lifestyle…. Continue Reading →
Are you aware of Satan’s strategy? Satan is prowling about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The book of Genesis reveals how Satan introduced sin into the world. God created a beautiful environment, but lurking in the… Continue Reading →
The sixth chapter of Romans reveals the believer’s identity as being dead to sin and alive to God. The Apostle Paul emphasized that we must live in accordance with our new identity. The first step is knowing this theological truth:… Continue Reading →
I figured this out last week just in time… …before using a particular cooking pot on the stove that LOOKED clean. But then I remembered– our dog, aka the “Canine Clean-up Crew”, had tongue-washed it after dinner for us. Then… Continue Reading →
John the Baptist made an amazing statement to his followers as he saw Jesus approaching, The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John… Continue Reading →
What are your hidden sins? We work especially hard to hide those areas in our lives that we know are wrong. We may be able to keep those sins hidden from others, but we can never keep them hidden from… Continue Reading →
We know the advantages of being in the right place at the right time. However, if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, it’s especially problematic – that’s the situation King David experienced, Then it happened in the… Continue Reading →
Years ago, after ministering overseas for a while, we returned home for a break time. Our church had prepared a lovely townhouse for us to stay in, completely furnished, and ready to move into. A young mom, I was excited… Continue Reading →
Today we looked at Genesis 3 and saw how God reached down to mankind and brought hope after the fall. Genesis 1-2 showed how God brought order and life and Genesis 3 revealed how satan brought chaos and death. Here’s highlights… Continue Reading →
It’s frustrating how entrenched sinful habits can become in our lives. God has provided many wonderful pleasures for us, but the effects of the fall have adulterated what God meant for good. For example, the enjoyment of good food has… Continue Reading →
One of the enemy’s strategies is to make us think that sin is no big deal. You’ve heard the rationale: everybody’s doing it, it won’t harm anyone, no one will find out. The Bible speaks to the situations we face… Continue Reading →
Years ago coal miners would take canaries into the coal mine. Dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide and methane can build up to dangerous levels. A canary’s metabolism is sensitive to air quality. As long as the bird is singing… Continue Reading →
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