Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Searching Versus Shopping

To get what you really need, instead of what you don’t need, search, don’t shop.   A friend recently told me about how whenever he goes on the internet to research something, he gets distracted and ends up clicking on… Continue Reading →

Keep Looking Up!

My first meeting with a new client was happening soon, so I did what we all do—went to my closet to look for just the right outfit.  Ok, I’ll confess, the pants didn’t matter so much, since we were meeting… Continue Reading →

Right Under Our Noses

“It’s right there under your nose.”  “If it were any closer it would bite you!”   Have any of you ever heard these words from a family member or friend, or internalized them and told them to yourself?  I still remember… Continue Reading →

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