All of us at times have experienced the pain and anguish of a broken heart. Where do we turn in times of overwhelming sadness? It’s a comfort to realize that God knows and understands what you’re going through. When the Israelites… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you feel overwhelmed? As you go through life there will be times when you feel despair. How can you go on when all seems lost? The Apostle Paul gives us sage advice, Now may the… Continue Reading →
If the abundant life is God’s standard for me then why does victory seem so elusive? Why am I not experiencing joy and peace in my life but rather I find it so easy to yield to temptation. Although we face… Continue Reading →
My last blog post considered the price of obedience. If you are going to achieve your God given destiny then it will require that you pay the price. What if the price is greater than what you want to pay?… Continue Reading →
What does it mean to be made complete? This was the Apostle Paul’s passion as he discipled others, “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in… Continue Reading →
Do events happen by chance or is there a purpose behind the events in our lives? If we believe there is a purpose behind the events in our lives then we acknowledge that God is sovereign. The Bible provides a… Continue Reading →
This past weekend I broke a tooth. I was thinking, “I don’t need this, I have a busy week, I’m away from my regular dentist (we can become creatures of habit), why did this have to happen?” Remembering to chew… Continue Reading →
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