Our sermon this week focused upon our victory in Christ from Romans chapter 8: Once your horizons have been expanded, you’re not content to return to the old ways. Your birthright as a child of God is a life of… Continue Reading →
Some Christians go through life as war-weary soldiers who are struggling to survive. The Apostle Paul countered this view in his letter to the church at Rome: But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us… Continue Reading →
There are times in our lives when we fall short of our expectations and the expectations of others. If we dwell on our failures, this often leads to self-pity and discouragement. Some people will intentionally put us down so they… Continue Reading →
There are statements that have credibility if they are made by people who have experienced what they are describing. There was a man who, before he had his own children, boldly declared his ten rules for raising children. After he… Continue Reading →
There are statements that have credibility only if they are made by people who have experienced what they are describing. For example, why should you listen to someone about investment strategies if they are struggling financially? Conversly, you tend to… Continue Reading →
If God is sovereign, then what happens to me, also happens for me. Life has a way of bringing challenging circumstances to us. We must not play the victim and succumb to self pity. Oswald Chambers warns us, “Self pity… Continue Reading →
When boats are navigating within a channel, range markers have been erected to help them locate the center of the channel. When you steer a course that keeps the two range markers lined up vertically that indicates that you are… Continue Reading →
What is your response to unforeseen events? Challenging circumstances can be especially disconcerting. When situations don’t go as planned, you can become disappointed and even angry. When you encounter circumstances beyond your control, it’s helpful to reevaluate your response and… Continue Reading →
God designs what we go through, we decide how we go through it. It’s comforting to know that God is sovereign over the events in our lives. Much of our frustration comes about because we’re trying to control what we… Continue Reading →
The sorrows of life can seem overwhelming at times. How do we maintain peace and even joy in the midst of difficult circumstances? The Apostle Paul had more of his share of hardships, Five times I received from the Jews… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you feel overwhelmed? As you go through life there will be times when you feel despair. How can you continue on when all seems lost? The Apostle Paul gives us sage advice, Now may the… Continue Reading →
Think about some of the fears that you may have. Some of those fears include the fear of man, the unknown, rejection, flying, commitment, certain animals, abandonment, change, failure, success, confined spaces, open spaces, and the list goes on. One of… Continue Reading →
As you go through life, you will encounter a multitude of situations that may cause you discouragement. A common source of frustration is other people. This can be especially painful when it’s from people who should be close to you,… Continue Reading →
Do you ever feel at times that you don’t measure up? We’ve all experienced that nagging thought that we’re not enough. Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen is an encouraging book that enables us to rest in His sufficiency rather than trying… Continue Reading →
This week I had the honor of being with an individual who decided to disengage from life-support – he was ready to go to his heavenly home. As I read Scripture and held his hand, he was peaceful, calm, and… Continue Reading →
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