Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Romans 6

Dead to sin and alive to God

The sixth chapter of Romans reveals the believer’s identity as being dead to sin and alive to God. The Apostle Paul emphasized that we must live in accordance with our new identity. The first step is knowing this theological truth:… Continue Reading →

Experiencing a life of fulfillment

The heartfelt cry among many people is “How can I experience a life of fulfillment?” People search for fulfillment in a number of ways, but for many it seems elusive. The Apostle Paul provides an answer: For the grace of… Continue Reading →

What is the source of your motivation?

The source of our motivation may stem from a variety of reasons. Some may be motivated by a sense of accomplishment whereas others may be motivated to gain popularity. The Apostle Paul revealed the overarching motivation for Christians in his… Continue Reading →

The exchanged life

How would you describe yourself? We have a tendency to look at our talents, abilities, and accomplishments. People often find their identify through their performance, the opinions of others, or what they own. What is the nature of our true identity? The… Continue Reading →

Who are you?

The question, “Who are you?” may be answered in a variety of ways. You may respond by telling others about your profession, but that’s what you do. Some may find their identity through performance – titles, degrees, and achievement. Some… Continue Reading →

Are you living in grace?

What comes to mind when you think of the word grace? Some people may think of a blue-eyed blonde. A Christian may respond with a theological response of God’s unmerited favor. It’s important to have a proper understanding of grace,… Continue Reading →

How to experience a life of fulfillment

The heartfelt cry among many people is “How can I experience a life of fulfillment?” A life of fulfillment is actually a life of grace. Those who know grace will show grace. You can live a fulfilling life by understanding… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

We finished our sermon series on Living a Life of Grace. Here’s the sermon in 10 tweets: 1. Grace does not offer freedom to sin, it offers freedom from sin. 2. Grace is not an excuse to do as we please,… Continue Reading →

The Good News in One Verse

The Apostle Peter encourages the recipients of his letter to always be ready to show others the reason why they have hope, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who… Continue Reading →

Obedient from the Heart

Have you ever had the experience of trying to change a behavior only to fall back into the same old routine?  When we focus on our external behavior, we may have short term gains; however, long term success seems elusive…. Continue Reading →

True Righteousness

Throughout the ages people have sought  ways to be righteous before God.  During Jesus’ day the Pharisees were regarded as the spiritually elite.   They had developed an elaborate system of 613 laws – 365 negative commands and 248 positive… Continue Reading →

God knows all about me and He still loves me!

Our recent blog posts have been examining some of the reasons why we may not experience victory in our lives.  We’ve looked at the danger of depending on ourselves and the problem of regarding our spiritual growth as a matter… Continue Reading →

Don’t Settle!

Why are we prone to settle for less than God’s best?  Perhaps we take our cue from the world rather than God’s word.  As Robertson McQuilkin wisely observed, “Average is not necessarily normal.”  Watchman Nee in his classic, The Normal Christian… Continue Reading →

Compliance or Obedience

What are your thoughts about the words compliance and obedience?  Although they are often appear synonymous there are some subtle distinctions between these two words. Compliance usually refers to adherence to established policies and procedures.  Obedience usually includes the heart… Continue Reading →

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