There are times when we’re not sure what we should do. We can be so close to the situation that we can become biased in our thinking. We need to have discerning friends who can provide an objective perspective to… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you feel overwhelmed? As you go through life there will be times when you feel despair. How can you continue on when all seems lost? The Apostle Paul gives us sage advice, Now may the… Continue Reading →
There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them. Clare Boothe Luce The word hope is desire and expectation combined into one concept. Whereas faith often describes a rational sense of certitude, hope conveys… Continue Reading →
The Unmerciful Thief by Mary Causey is a powerful story as Mary chronicles the story of her son’s battle with addiction. This book views addiction through the eyes of a loving parent. Mary shares the heartache of a parent who… Continue Reading →
When you were young the only person you needed to be concerned about was yourself. As you grew older your responsibilities increased. I remember sitting in my Naval Leadership course in college and my instructor saying, “Next year you’re going… Continue Reading →
At the end of the 20th century the suicide rate in America was headed down; however in 1999 it started increasing. The suicide rate has risen by a quarter, to 13 per 100,000 people in 2014 from 10.5 in… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you feel overwhelmed? As you go through life there will be times when you feel despair. How can you go on when all seems lost? The Apostle Paul gives us sage advice, Now may the… Continue Reading →
What enables you to face challenges without becoming overwhelmed? Consider Jesus Christ the night before His crucifixion. Knowing the pain and anguish that He would face the next day, He patiently prepared His disciples for His forthcoming departure. Jesus was… Continue Reading →
All of encounter adversity in our lives – no one can escape it. What causes some people to bounce back from difficulties while others become overwhelmed? The dictionary defines resilience as follows, 1. The power or ability to return to… Continue Reading →
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