Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Romans 10

Help my unbelief

Discouragement is our typical response when our desires our unfulfilled. That was the situation a desperate father experienced when he brought his son to Jesus’ disciples to be delivered from an unclean spirit: and whenever it seizes him, it slams… Continue Reading →

How to experience perfect peace

Life may seem chaotic at times and peace of mind may seem elusive. So how do we experience peace of mind in the midst of the storm? The prophet Isaiah lived in a time that was characterized by uncertainty and significant… Continue Reading →

Guarding Against Disappointment

A cursory glance at the headlines can cause even the most stoic of individuals to become disappointed.  You may wonder, “How can I find peace with so much tragedy and uncertainty in the world?”  The prophet Isaiah was bringing a… Continue Reading →

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