Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Rom. 12:2

Don’t just think outside the box, discard the box!   One day, while cleaning out our mudroom, my husband and I realized we couldn’t even get to the door because of too many boxes in the way. Ones we realized… Continue Reading →

Vibes and Discernment

Recently, while out on a walk in the park with our dog Trooper, we encountered a guy and his dog approaching us, a short distance away. Immediately my husband, given the appearance of both dog and man, started pulling Trooper… Continue Reading →

Keep Developing

Minds are like cars—when kept in neutral, they’ll always roll backwards, downhill.   You’ve likely heard the adage, “Use it or lose it”. Whether it’s our physical muscles or brain “muscles”, they naturally atrophy from lack of exercise. To make… Continue Reading →

What To Do About Busy Signals (and People)

Back in the day of landline phones (which some folks still have), there was this annoying sound called a “busy signal”. It wasn’t pleasant. Whoever designed it could have kindly created the sound of chirping birds or a harp or… Continue Reading →

How to Reverse and Defeat Counterproductive Thought Patterns—Part 1

Have you ever found yourself spiraling down, down, down, into depression, discouragement, and despair? When that happens, the source is always counterproductive (usually negative) thought patterns, aka “stinking thinking”! But don’t despair over despair! What gets us down can also… Continue Reading →

Talking Self-Talk

Do you ever talk to yourself? What do you say? How do you say it? Do you listen?👂 In the past, people who talked to themselves were sent to mental institutions. Now we have a socially, psychologically, accepted term for… Continue Reading →

Dare to Become

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’m not… good at…, beautiful, smart, talented, popular, strong, (whatever I wish I were) enough”?  I have.  My guess is, that all of us have if we’ve lived long enough to think! What do… Continue Reading →


“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”—Rom. 12:2 A few weeks ago I went to… Continue Reading →

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