Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



The Wrong Way to Demonstrate God’s Grace

Recently we were talking with a new believer friend who feels like it’s ok to keep sinning, because we’re only human, and God understands. He was looking for a way out of having to change certain things in his lifestyle…. Continue Reading →

The consequences of pride

Many people do not realize the insidious nature of pride. Throughout the Bible we see that God is opposed to the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. The book of Obadiah is named after the prophet Obadiah whose… Continue Reading →

The person God blesses

What are the characteristics of a righteous person? Psalm 112 identifies not only the characteristics, but the blessings bestowed on a righteous person. Psalm 112 is a companion to Psalm 111.They are both acrostic Psalms as Psalm 111 reveals the… Continue Reading →

Are you close to God?

Have you considered the type of person who is close to God? David pondered that question in Psalm 15: O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? (Psalm 15:1) Psalm 15 is a… Continue Reading →

The key to great accomplishment

People genuinely desire to make a significant contribution in the world. Our typical strategy is to be better, do more, and try harder. These are helpful strategies, but they are incomplete. The Apostle James tells that we can bring about… Continue Reading →

Do you know your benefits?

Membership in certain organizations accords various benefits. A member of the military for example, is allowed access to military installations and has the ability to visit the exchange or commissary. Do you realize your benefits as a follower of Christ?… Continue Reading →

How can I be righteous?

The heartfelt cry among many individuals is “How can I be righteous before God?” We are keenly aware of our sin and although we may be presentable on the outside we know the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. We… Continue Reading →

The Righteous Person

What comes to mind when you think of a righteous person?  We usually think of someone who is characterized by uprightness or morality.  We often evaluate righteousness by one’s external actions but Jesus goes much deeper than that – He goes… Continue Reading →

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