Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



How To Respond When the Chips Are Down

Pick them up! Sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes we make them go wrong by “blowing it”—either through neglect, making a mistake, or through lack of good character (aka sin). What do we do when that happens? Some natural responses include:… Continue Reading →

How to Eliminate Frustration When People Don’t “Get It”

How many times have you felt like saying, or actually said, “How many times have I told you…?!”?  You wish people would listen and really get it the first time. A second time can be ok, considering all the stuff… Continue Reading →

How to Respond to God’s Faithfulness

What do you think of when you hear the word “faithful”?  Here’s some insight: —Steadfast— An old word meaning “not moving; not going anywhere; not changing or flaking out no matter what” —Committed— Sticking with it; sticking with the group;… Continue Reading →

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