We’ve heard the saying, “A watched pot never boils”, meaning “Don’t just sit around anxiously waiting for something to happen or it will seem to take even longer, or may not even happen at all.” That’s true. But there are… Continue Reading →
Those who leave anyone who ever hurts them will find themselves left alone. Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios?: ~As a child, you got mad at a friend, so you stopped being friends with them. ~As a… Continue Reading →
“There is a way that seems right to a [person] but its end is the way to death.” Prov.14:12 Last week our family visited a sea turtle conservation center, where they bring rescued sea turtles for rehabilitation and treatment to… Continue Reading →
How many times has this scenario happened to you– You have a disagreement with someone you care about– Emotions rise, voices raise with them, anger boils over, both of you get hurt, and one or both of you marches away… Continue Reading →
What do you do when someone gets in YOUR space and refuses to budge?! That’s what I wondered when our dog Trooper decided MY FAVORITE CHAIR was more comfortable for HIM than his other, usual, resting spots! I understood– it… Continue Reading →
Everyone needs friendships, whether they realize it or not. The number of songs written on this subject attest to the universal longing for real friends. We just wish we could “do” this whole friendship thing better! Whether we enjoy many,… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt disrespected? If you haven’t and would like to, try being a substitute teacher in a middle-school class! For the rest of us, we dislike it when others: —Tune us out and don’t listen to our suggestions,… Continue Reading →
Everyone needs encouragement, even if they don’t look like it or won’t admit it. There’s: Family members— Our spouse; kids; parents; siblings; cousins; aunt; uncles; nieces; nephews; grandparents; grandchildren; in-laws (yeah, them too!)… People close and/or significant to you– Our… Continue Reading →
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