Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Psalm 1

Let God’s word guide your way

It is axiomatic that your direction often determines your destination. The Psalmist gives us a picture of a person who is guided by God’s word. Psalm one reveals the contrast between the ungodly and godly person. The Psalmist reveals what… Continue Reading →

The key to stability and fruitfulness

When you gaze upon a beautiful tree you see the verdant leaves and the luscious fruit but you do not see the means whereby the tree is able to grow and become fruitful. A healthy root system enables the health… Continue Reading →

How you can achieve success

What makes a person successful? Is it the number of degrees or titles they’ve achieved? Is it the size of their bank account? Is it the notoriety they’ve achieved? These may all be significant accomplishments, but let’s look at success… Continue Reading →

The Key to Fruitfulness

We long to live a life above our circumstances.  We desire stability in difficult times  and fruitfulness from our labors.  This longing engenders the question, “How do I experience a  life of fruitfulness?”  The Psalmist gives us a picture of… Continue Reading →

It takes time

Character takes time to develop.  God took a forty year old somebody, spent forty years revealing that he was a nobody, and forty more years demonstrating what He can do with anybody. How does a microwave society with instant mashed potatoes and frozen TV dinners teach… Continue Reading →

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