Have you ever been involved in a project and the longer you work on it the harder it becomes? The story is told of two woodcutters who held a competition to see who could cut the most wood in a… Continue Reading →
Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry! Oliver Cromwell As I write this post Hurricane Dorian is 300 miles to the south heading toward us as a category 3 storm. It’s a beautiful evening and… Continue Reading →
An ounce of preventative discipline today is worth a pound of corrective action later. Todd Henry This statement is a clarion call for taking a proactive stance. You can always take corrective action later; however, the cost is often higher… Continue Reading →
The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter F. Drucker Peter Drucker was one of the most influential voices in modern management. His insights and wisdom have provided stability to many people and organizations. As you… Continue Reading →
How many people do you know can make that statement? Can you make that statement? One of my hobbies is studying leadership and one of the great leaders of the 20th century is Winston Churchill. Churchill said this, There comes… Continue Reading →
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