We suffer more in imagination than in reality. Seneca Worry may be described as undue concern about a situation without considering God. Mark Twain observed, “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” It… Continue Reading →
There’s no shortage of situations that may cause us to become frustrated. Why do we find it easier to complain about our predicament rather than to rectify the situation? One reason is because we choose not to take responsibility for… Continue Reading →
Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions — not outside. Marcus Aurelius Do you find it difficult to escape from anxiety? It’s freeing to know that we have the… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you face a difficult situation? Crises can seem overwhelming. How did King David respond when he faced a life and death situation? What should be our response when we face a crisis? Let’s see how… Continue Reading →
Why does contentment seem so illusive at times? A major reason is that we think that contentment is getting what we want rather than being satisfied with what we have. Content is the person who is satisfied with what he… Continue Reading →
What is your response when you’re feeling anxious? Some people double down and try harder to alleviate the stress. Others may feel so overwhelmed that they seek relief by finding ways to escape from the cause of their anxiety. Worry,… Continue Reading →
The easiest way to gain contentment is to want the things you already have. Why does contentment seem so illusive at times? Contentment is not simply getting what you want, but it’s wanting what you’ve got. We are rich if… Continue Reading →
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor Frankl Everyday we encounter situations that involve a choice how we interpret those… Continue Reading →
Many of us our familiar with the metaphor that describes how to boil a frog (not that you would want to). The premise is that if you place the frog in boiling water, it will jump out; however, if you place… Continue Reading →
What is the number one cause of death in the United States? Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Currently, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds and every 60 seconds someone in the United… Continue Reading →
Have you had an experience when you thought there should be more? We can become so inured to relying upon our resources, that we can lose sight of God’s ability to give us much more. I had an experience when… Continue Reading →
What comes to your mind when you think of idols? An idol may be defined as an object of admiration, adoration, or devotion. An idol is anything that comes between you and God. The Bible is filled with numerous warnings… Continue Reading →
What is a skill you want to develop? This weekend I read No Easy Day which is a first-hand account of the capture of Osama bin Laden (this is a story that will keep you turning the pages). The level… Continue Reading →
Contentment may be defined as being satisfied with what one has and not wanting anything else. The picture on this blog post is Arielle after a meal of macaroni and cheese along with a blueberry pancake from my plate –… Continue Reading →
Have you ever noticed the enthusiasm of children on a playground? They exhibit a true zest for life. The picture on this blog post is my granddaughter Lily going down a slide at Chittenango Falls (fond memories in my past)… Continue Reading →
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