It’s a great feeling when you achieve a goal. We had been driving for several hours and we stopped at the New River Gorge Ranger station. We thought it would be good to hike down to the lower observation point… Continue Reading →
All of us been guilty of multi-tasking but is it beneficial? Research has conclusively demonstrated you can only do one cognitive activity at a time. If you are performing an automatic physical task without a great deal of thought then… Continue Reading →
This weekend the church that I attend is hosting a Priscilla Shirer Conference for women on Friday & Saturday, May 4th and 5th (the conference is 7-9:30 p.m. on Friday and 9-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, tickets are $10 and can… Continue Reading →
Have you ever lamented the fact that you’re not perfect? You may have thought “If only I were (fill in the blank, for example: thinner, richer, stronger, smarter, popular, etc.). But what if your life was as it should be? … Continue Reading →
When I was in the Navy every mission had a detailed flight plan for what we hoped to accomplish. Are we that proactive about life or do we seem to drift along simply responding to the next crisis? The tyranny of… Continue Reading →
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