Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Planning in Faith and Obedience

We can’t know the future, even though fortune-tellers would like us to believe we can. Sadly, many people do believe that and go to them, even though it’s crystal-ball clear they don’t know our future any more than we do…. Continue Reading →

Obedience Has No “But” In It

1 Sam. 15:9 tells us, “But Saul and the army spared Agag and the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs—everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak… Continue Reading →

How do we demonstrate God’s love?

What are the distinguishing characteristics of love? We may have a tendency to emphasize the emotional aspects of love to the detriment of commitment and follow through. The Greek language reveals the paucity of the English language to express the… Continue Reading →

The tale of a reluctant prophet

Having a right view of God does not guarantee right behavior. You can know about God and understand His will, but still choose to go your own way. The prophet Jonah was a classic example of an individual who blatantly… Continue Reading →

The necessity of knowing God

We have encountered situations that have been troublesome and have caused us frustration. As we reflect upon the reasons why we incurred so much difficulty we can see that many times there is something that we did not know or… Continue Reading →

Choose to believe God’s promises

Mary was a young teenage girl who was visited by a heavenly messenger bringing an amazing message. She would have a baby by the power of the Holy Spirit. She wondered how this could be, but the Angel responded: For… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Our danger is to water down God’s word to suit ourselves. God never fits His word to suit me; He fits me to suit His word. Oswald Chambers Obedience to God’s word may seem difficult at times – God sets… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Love God and do as you please.  Augustine It may be helpful to understand that Augustine was not advocating license to do whatever we want. Perhaps he was reflecting upon the words of Jesus: If you love Me, you will… Continue Reading →

What’s the bottom line?

When you receive a large amount of information, you’re eager to learn the essence of the content. When one of the wisest men who ever lived gives his perspective on life, then you may want to pay attention. If you’re… Continue Reading →

A good start does not guarantee a favorable finish

It’s important to have a good start, but we must remain diligent to ensure that we finish well. King Saul is a case study of an individual who had an auspicious start but finished poorly. Saul’s first challenge came when… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

It’s not the truth that you know, but the truth that you obey that matters. Johnny Hunt There is often a gap between what we know and what we do with what we know. Our goal is to shrink that… Continue Reading →

How you can achieve success

What makes a person successful? Is it the number of degrees or titles they’ve achieved? Is it the size of their bank account? Is it the notoriety they’ve achieved? These may all be significant accomplishments, but let’s look at success… Continue Reading →

Obedient from the Heart

Have you ever had the experience of trying to change a behavior only to fall back into the same old routine?  When we focus on our external behavior, we may have short term gains; however, long term success seems elusive…. Continue Reading →

Are you willing to pay the price?

My last blog post considered the price of obedience.  If you are going to achieve your God given destiny then it will require that you pay the price.  What if the price is greater than what you want to pay?… Continue Reading →

The Price of Obedience

We understand the importance of obedience in our lives, but how do you respond when it’s hard to obey?  There are times in my life when I know what I should do, but I prefer to go my own way… Continue Reading →

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