If someone watched you for several days what would that person conclude about your life? That which you most treasure reveals the condition of your heart. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said to His disciples, for where your… Continue Reading →
We face a multitude of choices every day – at times in can be intimidating. For example, if you’re shopping for a product and you don’t know where it’s located it can seem overwhelming. My daughter asked me to pick… Continue Reading →
We see that there are many hindrances to bearing fruit in our lives: the attacks of the enemy, a lack of depth in our spiritual maturity, and today we will look at the pressures we face from the world. Jesus… Continue Reading →
I have a friend who was recently hospitalized because doctors suspected a serious heart condition. Fortunately, a series of tests concluded that physically he was okay. Just as you must watch over your physical heart, you must also monitor the… Continue Reading →
The weekends are a good time to accomplish what I call “offensive reading” – that’s reading that you want to do rather than reading that you have to do. I was gripped by the following sentence by Samuel Chand, … Continue Reading →
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” This thought by Goethe is worth considering as we enter the New Year. As we hang up the new calendar we have a tabula rasa,… Continue Reading →
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