Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Matthew 6

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We are all insane. That is what original sin means. Sin is insanity. It is preferring finite joy to infinite joy, creatures to the Creator, an unhappy, Godless self to a happy, God-filled self. Peter Kreeft We have a tendency… Continue Reading →

Keeping the main thing the main thing

We live in an age of dramatic distraction. Many of us know what we need to do, but we can become sidetracked by many competing demands. The result is we’re unsure if we have a proper sense of our priorities…. Continue Reading →

Sunday’s sermon in 10 tweets

This week at LifePark we started a new series entitled “Overcoming adversity”, this is especially apropos considering our current situation with the coronavirus. Our passage was Jesus’ teaching on overcoming worry, Matthew 6:25-34 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little In comparison to eternal realities. Robert Murray McCheyne Are you bothered by little things? There is no shortage of daily aggravations that can cause us frustration. What… Continue Reading →

The good old days

We may have a tendency to reminisce about the good old days and the implication is that today is not as good. If we look at our former days objectively, we find that the good old days were probably a… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself? Epictetus How many people are really living? Thoreau observed, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Far… Continue Reading →

Consider your ways

All of us have experienced situations that didn’t go as we had hoped. This was the situation the nation of Israel faced as they returned to their homeland from captivity. The prophet Haggai described their painful situation, You have sown… Continue Reading →

Where is your treasure?

One simple way to determine the location of your treasure is to look at your calendar and your credit card statement. Your calendar reflects how you spend your time and your credit card statement reveals how you spend your money…. Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Minimalism is not about having less; it’s about making room for more of what really matters. We live in a society dominated by consumerism. Minimalism is an opportunity to to focus on the important matters of your life. You must… Continue Reading →

God sees your efforts

I am pleased to welcome Ginger Blomberg as a writer to our blog (you can read more about Ginger on our About Us page). This is a encouraging post reminding us that our efforts are seen by God. My friend Elisabeth… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill Where is your focus? Are you striving to make a living or are you creating a beautiful life? That which you treasure… Continue Reading →

What is the condition of your heart?

What is the number one cause of death in the United States? Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Currently, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds and every 60 seconds  someone in the United… Continue Reading →

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles explores the secrets of the world’s Blue Zones. A Blue Zone is an anthropological concept that describes the characteristic lifestyles of the world’s longest… Continue Reading →

Oh that You would bless me indeed!

How would you characterize the content of your prayers? Tucked away in the book of 1 Chronicles we’re introduced to an individual named Jabez. We don’t know much about Jabez except for the two verses that give us insight into… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

We finished our sermon series on Living a Life of Grace. Here’s the sermon in 10 tweets: 1. Grace does not offer freedom to sin, it offers freedom from sin. 2. Grace is not an excuse to do as we please,… Continue Reading →

© 2025 Rejoice in Him