Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Mat. 5:16

What Matters Most

Matters matter, but our responses matter more and longer. Yes, what happens to us matters. Getting hired vs. getting fired. Passing vs. failing an exam. Birth vs. death (of anyone or anything). Winning vs. losing. Starting a relationship vs. ending… Continue Reading →

Influence by Excellence

Last week, on our evening walk, my husband, dog, and I passed our neighbors’ houses and noticed one lawn freshly mowed, with the one next to it definitely needing mowing. Each one made us notice the other one more. The… Continue Reading →

Light in the Darkness

Guess what—scientifically and experientially proven—No amount of darkness can keep light from shining through! Therefore, there is no such thing as a hopeless situation. We can define many situations as hopeless, such as: ~our marriage on the verge of divorce… Continue Reading →

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