Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Luke 12

Two Tales of One City

We have a tendency to blame God for the problems in our lives. As we exam the reasons for our difficulties, we may discover that we have a degree of culpability. Nahum, whose name means comfort or consolation, was a… Continue Reading →

What constitutes a successful life?

Many people view success as worldly fame and prosperity. We can become so focused on outward signs of success that we lose sight of what’s really important. Jesus highlighted this problem when an individual asked Jesus to solve a family… Continue Reading →

How to experience contentment

Why does contentment seem so illusive at times? A major reason is that we think that contentment is getting what we want rather than being satisfied with what we have. Content is the person who is satisfied with what he… Continue Reading →

Where is your treasure?

One simple way to determine the location of your treasure is to look at your calendar and your credit card statement. Your calendar reflects how you spend your time and your credit card statement reveals how you spend your money…. Continue Reading →

Whatever Happened to Truth?

This morning I heard Steve Inskeep of NPR interview Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, at the Republican National Convention.  Inskeep asked Falwell about his support for Donald Trump, especially considering Trump’s personal life.  Falwell responded, “Well, I think… Continue Reading →

From Dirty Sheep to Royal Family

I want to give a special welcome to Claire Rhoads who has written today’s blog post.  Claire and I will be working together on this blog to share thoughts from the heart to encourage your heart.  Take a look at the About… Continue Reading →

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