Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Luke 11

The God of the how much more

What aspect of Jesus’ life was so prominent that His disciples asked Him to teach them? It was one that Jesus consistently modeled for them: It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one… Continue Reading →

The God of the how much more

If you could have Jesus teach you anything, what would you request? Would you like to walk on water? How about feeding a large crowd of people with a few loaves and fish? What did the the men who had… Continue Reading →

You are without excuse

It’s interesting that Jesus had more difficulty with the religious leaders than anyone else.  From outward appearances the scribes and Pharisees appeared to have it all together.  Their religious performance however, became a source of pride and they looked down… Continue Reading →

Time with God influences your priorities

How do you maintain a proper sense of priorities amidst the challenges of life?   Arnold Cook describes a phenomenon called historical drift, “Historical Drift is the inherent tendency of human organizations to depart over time from their original beliefs, purposes,… Continue Reading →

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