Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



How To View Discipline

The word “discipline” evokes images of sitting in a corner facing a wall or being sent to an isolated place for a “time out”, or being “grounded”, or a spanking, or worse, accompanied by a thorough rebuke so you’d know… Continue Reading →

He Delights In Us

A couple years ago, I had to rescue our dog Trooper from a brambly bush he’d gotten himself entangled in, leash and all. He’d yanked himself free from my hold to go chase a rabbit down a hill only animals,… Continue Reading →

God’s Enthusiastic Love

As I was watching our sweet dog Trooper try and fail to catch a rabbit in our yard, I thought, “I’m glad he didn’t catch it!” A hunter might want their dog to catch animals, but I don’t. My delight… Continue Reading →

A Constant Companion

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.” Ps. 27:4… Continue Reading →

When Mutual Unconditional Love Happens

After my accident and injury a couple of months ago, many people told me, “You need to rehome your dog. He’s too big. It’s dangerous for you to keep him. Look what happened. How do you know that won’t happen… Continue Reading →

The Depths of God’s Love

This past week we had the major blessing of snorkeling in the Atlantic Ocean in an area that’s home to some of the most beautiful coral reefs and fish in the world. For most of that, we had to join… Continue Reading →

How do we demonstrate God’s love?

What are the distinguishing characteristics of love? We may have a tendency to emphasize the emotional aspects of love to the detriment of commitment and follow through. The Greek language reveals the paucity of the English language to express the… Continue Reading →

Our prodigal God

When we hear the word prodigal, our minds often go to the prodigal son who wasted his inheritance in profligate living. We tend to view the word prodigal pejoratively, but the definition refers to one who is recklessly extravagant or… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Love God and do as you please.  Augustine It may be helpful to understand that Augustine was not advocating license to do whatever we want. Perhaps he was reflecting upon the words of Jesus: If you love Me, you will… Continue Reading →

Are you in your right mind?

When we’re facing difficult and uncertain situations, our natural response may be fear and trepidation. Perhaps that’s how Timothy, the Apostle Paul’s protege in the faith, felt as he was facing a new and challenging assignment. Paul gave Timothy a… Continue Reading →

The supremacy of love

There are a number of beautiful treatises on the topic of love and one of the most eloquent is 1 Corinthians 13. In the midst of the Apostle Paul’s discussion on spiritual gifts, he emphasizes the necessity of love. Without… Continue Reading →

Love Makes the Best of the Mess

  “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Pet.4:8)   Last week, while my husband was at work, I left our dog out in the yard longer than I should have.  Long enough… Continue Reading →

Keep the main thing the main thing

Life has a way of causing secondary issues to capture our attention. If you’re not careful, the various competing demands can cause you to lose sight of what is ultimately important. A Jewish scribe heard Jesus responding with great wisdom to… Continue Reading →

The key to loving others

We know that are to love others as Jesus as loved us (John 13:34-35), but at times that seems like an impossible task. How can we love like Jesus loved? The Apostle John reveals that we can love others if… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote – Happy Valentine’s Day

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.  Victor Hugo Knowing that you are loved is one of the greatest joys that you can experience. As you consider… Continue Reading →

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