Training and leadership development is recognized as a necessary investment by successful businesses. Parents spend significant amounts of money on books and materials that teach them how to train their children. Some of you parents may be wondering, “I’ve spent… Continue Reading →
Many ingredients are involved in encouraging and equipping others, but there is no substitute for investing time with the other person. This was our Lord’s pattern. As Jesus was selecting His disciples, we read that He went to a mountain… Continue Reading →
If you are a a parent, a Church leader, or someone in a leadership position then you have a responsibility to encourage and equip others. You may wonder, "How do I go about it?" It can seem so confusing; new… Continue Reading →
Albert Einstein said, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." All of us face problems every day and the solution often requires a new way of… Continue Reading →
Lloyd Reeb spoke in chapel this week and hosted a luncheon presenting his work with I had the privilege of working with Lloyd several years ago in a learning community sponsored by Leadership Network as we investigated… Continue Reading →
One of the most critical times in the life of a Church or organization is the transition from one leader to another. Moses realized the importance of this transition as he prayed, “May the LORD, the God of the spirits… Continue Reading →
People who know me realize that I am passionate about leadership development. At the forefront of my mind is how can we as the Church do a better at developing our people? The Bible is our guidebook and I believe… Continue Reading →
Show me how you spend your time and your money and that’s a pretty good indicator of your priorities. What advice does King Solomon who was one of the wisest men who ever lived offer? “The beginning of wisdom is: … Continue Reading →
What comes to your mind as you consider the question “What is a spiritual leader’s greatest need?” As a leader you may be thinking you need more time to do all the tasks on your to-do list. Leaders are doers… Continue Reading →
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