A dilemma many people face is the ability to accept themselves. This can be difficult because we are keenly aware of our faults, failures, and fears. For those who believe in God, the problem is compounded because if we don’t… Continue Reading →
The heartfelt cry among many individuals is “How can I be righteous before God?” We are keenly aware of our sin and although we may be presentable on the outside we know the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. We… Continue Reading →
The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans reveals that all mankind is guilty of sin. After his graphic description of the pervasiveness of sin, a stark contrast emerges in chapter 3 like a bright ray of sunshine through a dark… Continue Reading →
A primary reason why many of us feel that we need to earn God’s favor is because we do not have peace with God. The Apostle Paul declares in the book of Romans that you can have peace with… Continue Reading →
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