Joy is the flag that flutters at the mast when King Jesus is in residence. Stephen Olford Stephen Olford was one of the greatest preachers of the twentieth century who boldly proclaimed our victorious life in Christ. Joy is the… Continue Reading →
It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
The source of our motivation may stem from a variety of reasons. Some may be motivated by a sense of accomplishment whereas others may be motivated to gain popularity. The Apostle Paul revealed the overarching motivation for Christians in his… Continue Reading →
People treat their physical body in a variety of ways. Some people take better care of their automobile than their body, whereas other people treat their body as an idol. The Apostle Paul gives us a proper perspective: Or do… Continue Reading →
Life is filled with trade-offs. Solomon presented an agricultural metaphor instructing us that if you seek to increase productivity, there may be a trade-off: Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of… Continue Reading →
The author of Ecclesiastes teaches us that we will experience different seasons in life. This truth is illustrated by fourteen pairs of contrasting activities that serve as examples of the various seasons of life. He introduces this section by indicating… Continue Reading →
Jesus has a special gift for you. He made the offer to His disciples as they were about to face one of their greatest challenges and that same gift is available to you today. These things I have spoken to… Continue Reading →
Apart from God you cannot, apart from you God will not. Augustine Augustine captures the essence of Jesus’ teaching in John 15 recognizing our dependence upon God coupled with our responsibility. I am the vine, you are the branches; he… Continue Reading →
People desire to live a fruitful life, but for many it seems to be an elusive quest. One of the problems is that we think that we can bear fruit in our own strength. Jesus gives us the key to… Continue Reading →
When is the last time you’ve spoken with God? Prayer is communion with God – it’s an opportunity to listen to Him and share your heart with Him. Over the years, the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi has been… Continue Reading →
It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
We use the word love in a variety of ways. We exclaim that we love ice cream or that we love going on a vacation. Our society has many different notions of the meaning of love and there is often a… Continue Reading →
He is risen – He is risen indeed! I pray that you’ve had an encouraging Easter. We had five great services at LifePark and I’ve included two songs that were a blessing to me and I pray they will encourage… Continue Reading →
As a young Christian I was perplexed why some of my prayers went unanswered. Have you ever experienced the frustration of a prayer that went unanswered? As I’ve grown in the Christian faith, I’ve learned there may be a… Continue Reading →
God’s desire for you is that your life will be fruitful. We have seen in our previous blogs that there are a number of hindrances to fruitfulness in our lives: the enemy seeks to take away the truth, there may be… Continue Reading →
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