Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


John 14

How do we demonstrate God’s love?

What are the distinguishing characteristics of love? We may have a tendency to emphasize the emotional aspects of love to the detriment of commitment and follow through. The Greek language reveals the paucity of the English language to express the… Continue Reading →

You can experience inexpressible joy

It can be difficult to rejoice when we’re facing various trials. The Apostle Peter’s first epistle is a brief handbook on developing a perspective for dealing with suffering in our lives. Peter commended his audience as he observed their great… Continue Reading →

Perspective for a troubled heart

What is your response when facing troubling news? We may lose our perspective and become overwhelmed with doubt and discouragement. Jesus had told His disciples that He would be leaving them and that one of them would betray Him. How… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Love God and do as you please.  Augustine It may be helpful to understand that Augustine was not advocating license to do whatever we want. Perhaps he was reflecting upon the words of Jesus: If you love Me, you will… Continue Reading →

Jesus offers you His peace

What is your response to troubling news? Jesus informed His disciples of His upcoming departure and they were troubled at this distressing news. What about the plans for the promised kingdom? How could they get along without Him? Although Jesus… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth. Richard Whately One of the great ironies in the Bible is when Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Pilate did not realize that… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

God’s ultimate answer to suffering isn’t an explanation; it’s the incarnation. Many times when we encounter suffering we want to know why? I am learning the better question to ask is, “Lord, what do you want me to learn from… Continue Reading →

What is your calling?

Taking a road trip with our family is kind of like mobilizing a military campaign. There is food: we’re still searching for that perfect car snack that makes no crumbs, cannot melt, won’t make people hyper, and is unspillable. There… Continue Reading →

What is the condition of your heart?

What is the number one cause of death in the United States? Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. Currently, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds and every 60 seconds  someone in the United… Continue Reading →

Where is your true home?

This past week I watched as my good friend slowly left this life to enter the presence of Jesus. It’s never easy as we say good-by to a dear friend. I read these comforting words of Jesus as He spoke… Continue Reading →

Do you have a long-range perspective?

This week I had the honor of being with an individual who decided to disengage from life-support – he was ready to go to his heavenly home. As I read Scripture and held his hand, he was peaceful, calm, and… Continue Reading →

The Great Spiritual Migration

The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McLaren emphasizes three migrations that Brian believes the church must undertake. Spiritually, he advocates a migration from a system of beliefs to a way of life. Theologically, he emphasizes moving from a violent God of… Continue Reading →

How to experience peace

Life can seem overwhelming at times and peace of mind may seem elusive. So how do we experience peace in the midst of the storm? Many people try to find peace through external means – escapism, drugs, or entertainment. Francois… Continue Reading →

Are You Concerned By World Events?

A cursory glance of the headlines can be fairly discouraging.  There seems to be no shortage of bad news:  the threat of global terrorism, economic insecurity, and corruption and unrest in our cities to name a few.  Most recently the Brexit… Continue Reading →

Dress for Success

It’s important to be appropriately dressed for the occasion that you’re attending.  Consider some of the equipment a football player wears:  cleats, padded pants, shoulder pads, mouth guard, and a helmet.  What would happen if he tried to return a… Continue Reading →

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