Have you ever experienced a situation when God did not come through when you hoped he would? When that happens our initial response is disappointment and frustration. Mary and Martha experienced a similar situation when Jesus did not show up… Continue Reading →
The sorrows of life can seem overwhelming at times. How do we maintain peace and even joy in the midst of difficult circumstances? The Apostle Paul had more of his share of hardships, Five times I received from the Jews… Continue Reading →
God doesn’t always meet our timetable. What is your response when God doesn’t show up as you expected? Martha and Mary could identify with that frustration. It was a somber day – their brother, Lazarus, had just passed away. Although they… Continue Reading →
“Although we grieve we do not grieve as those without hope. ” – the Apostle Paul The picture you see was taken in November 2014 as Matthew and I enjoyed a delicious meal at an Ethiopian restaurant in New York… Continue Reading →
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