Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Jn. 8:32

Discerning What’s Real Despite What We Feel

Our feelings are real, but they don’t equal reality. For example—we feel hurt because of what we perceive as disrespect by someone who still hasn’t answered our email after a week. This is a real and valid feeling and concern…. Continue Reading →

Disarming Discouragement

Have you ever felt discouraged?  If not, stop reading this.  But my guess is, you have—especially since the global Covid pandemic started.  since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged!  We all have. It’s… Continue Reading →

Disarming Discouragement

Have you ever felt discouraged?  If not, stop reading this.  But my guess is, since you’ve been alive long enough to be able to read, you’ve felt discouraged!  We all have. It’s discouraging when we think we’re doing well, only… Continue Reading →

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