When boats are navigating within a channel, range markers have been erected to help them locate the center of the channel. When you steer a course that keeps the two range markers lined up vertically that indicates that you are… Continue Reading →
Our greatest danger is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but that we aim too low and we reach it. Michelangelo We have a tendency to settle for less than God’s best. How do we know… Continue Reading →
Dream no small dreams, they have no power. Or if you prefer to read it in the original, „Träume keine kleinen Träume, denn sie haben keine Kraft.“ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe challenges the reader not to be content with the ordinary but… Continue Reading →
It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
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