Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


James 4

Choose to believe God’s promises

Mary was a young teenage girl who was visited by a heavenly messenger bringing an amazing message. She would have a baby by the power of the Holy Spirit. She wondered how this could be, but the Angel responded: For… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. Dante Alighieri Edmund Burke is reported to have echoed a similar statement years later, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Freedom is not the right to do what we want, but what we ought. Let us have faith that right makes might and in that faith let us; to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it…. Continue Reading →

True Spirituality

Your words and your actions reveal the genuineness of your faith. It can be easy to appear spiritual when times are good, but how do you respond in stressful situations? The efficacy of our faith is often tested during difficult… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Instead of working toward retirement, work toward your ideal lifestyle. James Clear I experienced the truth of this principle forty years ago. My plan was to stay in the Navy for twenty years, receive a nice pension, and serve God…. Continue Reading →

Ready for the battle

What comes to mind as you think of getting ready for a battle? The Apostle Paul gives us practical advice in his letter to the Ephesians. He advises us to be prepared for the battle as he instructs us on… Continue Reading →

Oh that You would bless me indeed!

How would you characterize the content of your prayers? Tucked away in the book of 1 Chronicles we’re introduced to an individual named Jabez. We don’t know much about Jabez except for the two verses that give us insight into… Continue Reading →

Our gracious God

How do you handle difficulties when they seem beyond your ability? When we look at our resources and the magnitude of the problems we’re facing, they may seem overwhelming. There are numerous situations that seem beyond our ability but we… Continue Reading →

The key to greater grace

Grace is often defined as unmerited favor. The heart felt desire of Christians is that they would experience God’s grace in their lives. As the Apostle James quoted from the book of Proverbs, he reveals the key to greater grace,… Continue Reading →

How to experience a life of fulfillment

The heartfelt cry among many people is “How can I experience a life of fulfillment?” A life of fulfillment is actually a life of grace. Those who know grace will show grace. You can live a fulfilling life by understanding… Continue Reading →

It’s not about you

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans reveals that all mankind is guilty of sin.  After his graphic description of the pervasiveness of sin, a stark contrast emerges in chapter 3 like a bright ray of sunshine through a dark… Continue Reading →


What comes to mind when you think of the word brokenness?  We often view brokenness as a pejorative term.  The reality is brokenness is our true condition before a holy God.  If there is any doubt to our brokenness, as… Continue Reading →

I’m alive!

Are you rejoicing that you’re alive?  I want to share with you a story that happened two days ago.  I was at the intersection of Highway 17 which is a major six lane road with a speed limit of 45… Continue Reading →

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