Many sincere Christians have an earnest desire to please God. It’s essential that we live a life that is pleasing to God, but we need to ensure that we’re pleasing God the right way. Our good intentions may go astray… Continue Reading →
What is your attitude when you encounter a seemingly impossible situation? Some of us try harder, whereas others may simply give up and seek another path. Jesus gave His disciples a strategy to help them deal with challenging difficulties. It… Continue Reading →
Faith must be tested, because it can only become your intimate possession through conflict. Oswald Chambers We want to have faith, but we can be reluctant to go through the trials that make it real in our lives. Oswald Chambers… Continue Reading →
Have you ever participated in a race? If so how was that experience for you? Your hope is to run the race well and the question we want to address is, “How can I run the race well?” The writer of… Continue Reading →
If the abundant life is God’s standard for me then why does victory seem so elusive? Why am I not experiencing joy and peace in my life but rather I find it so easy to yield to temptation. Although we face… Continue Reading →
What are your thoughts about the words compliance and obedience? Although they are often appear synonymous there are some subtle distinctions between these two words. Compliance usually refers to adherence to established policies and procedures. Obedience usually includes the heart… Continue Reading →
John Piper continues to develop the theme of his previous writings that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” (pp. xix, 197, 211, 258) in The Pleasures of God. He expands upon that truth… Continue Reading →
For years I have been teaching the message of Truefaced by Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John Lynch. My prayer is that my audience will understand and experience the life-changing message of God’s grace as described in this book. The… Continue Reading →
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