Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Genesis 3

Do you know your adversary’s strategy?

Are you aware of Satan’s strategy? Satan is prowling about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The book of Genesis reveals how Satan introduced sin into the world. God created a beautiful environment, but lurking in the… Continue Reading →

Today’s sermon in 10 tweets

Today we looked at Genesis 3 and saw how God reached down to mankind and brought hope after the fall. Genesis 1-2 showed how God brought order and life and Genesis 3 revealed how satan brought chaos and death. Here’s highlights… Continue Reading →

Are you experiencing God’s forgiveness?

What emotions do you experience when you’ve messed up? Some of the primary emotions may be guilt and shame. Although guilt and shame are often used interchangeably there is a profound difference between them. Guilt is like the red light… Continue Reading →

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