If your work is your self, when you cease to work, you cease to exist. Alex Soojung-Kim Pang I just finished Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang. The author warns us that… Continue Reading →
How would you describe yourself? We have a tendency to look at our talents, abilities, and accomplishments. People often find their identify through their performance, the opinions of others, or what they own. What is the nature of our true identity? The… Continue Reading →
What are some of the favorite gifts that you’ve received? As you grow older, you realize that the best gifts are not things but TLC – time, love, and concern from others. God demonstrated that type of love toward us… Continue Reading →
It’s important to be appropriately dressed for the occasion that you’re attending. Consider some of the equipment a football player wears: cleats, padded pants, shoulder pads, mouth guard, and a helmet. What would happen if he tried to return a… Continue Reading →
A primary reason why many of us feel that we need to earn God’s favor is because we do not have peace with God. The Apostle Paul declares in the book of Romans that you can have peace with… Continue Reading →
Why are we prone to settle for less than God’s best? Perhaps we take our cue from the world rather than God’s word. As Robertson McQuilkin wisely observed, “Average is not necessarily normal.” Watchman Nee in his classic, The Normal Christian… Continue Reading →
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