It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
Life is filled with trade-offs. Solomon presented an agricultural metaphor instructing us that if you seek to increase productivity, there may be a trade-off: Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of… Continue Reading →
It is axiomatic that your direction often determines your destination. The Psalmist gives us a picture of a person who is guided by God’s word. Psalm one reveals the contrast between the ungodly and godly person. The Psalmist reveals what… Continue Reading →
Self-preservation is an innate characteristic among living creatures. Jesus however, revealed a grander vision to His disciples. Rather than merely watching out for oneself, He enlarged His disciples perspective by giving them a counter intuitive statement, Truly, truly, I say… Continue Reading →
People desire to live a fruitful life, but for many it seems to be an elusive quest. One of the problems is that we think that we can bear fruit in our own strength. Jesus gives us the key to… Continue Reading →
We long to live a life above our circumstances. We desire stability in difficult times and fruitfulness from our labors. This longing engenders the question, “How do I experience a life of fruitfulness?” The Psalmist gives us a picture of… Continue Reading →
It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
God’s desire for you is that your life will be fruitful. We have seen in our previous blogs that there are a number of hindrances to fruitfulness in our lives: the enemy seeks to take away the truth, there may be… Continue Reading →
We see that there are many hindrances to bearing fruit in our lives: the attacks of the enemy, a lack of depth in our spiritual maturity, and today we will look at the pressures we face from the world. Jesus… Continue Reading →
As we enter a new year a common desire is that we want our lives to be fruitful. We want to be productive and make a contribution to those around us. In John 15 Jesus gives a beautiful picture of… Continue Reading →
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