“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Mat. 6:24 Many years ago, a few months after we got… Continue Reading →
In some parts and cultures of the world people are used to sharing space and have learned how to do so graciously. In other parts and cultures not so! We consider space and privacy our right and don’t do well… Continue Reading →
Last evening Jeanne and I watched the movie I can only imagine. I was familiar with the song, but I did not know the backstory to the song – it was powerful. I believe my emotional reaction was strong because… Continue Reading →
May God’s peace and love be yours during this Christmas season and in the year to come! Thank you for reading my blog and please let me know how I can pray for you! Thanks be to God for His… Continue Reading →
What brings you refreshment? Jeanne and I love to be with our grandchildren. Young children are great – they are open, honest, and genuine! In our journey from childhood to adulthood why do we often lose our way? We think… Continue Reading →
James Emery White, pastor of Mecklenburg Church in Charlotte Carolina, has a great blog at this address: http://www.churchandculture.org/blog.asp?id=632 If you are a parent you definitely need to read his post! I’m having a great time in Germany – making new… Continue Reading →
Jeanne and I love Thanksgiving. It’s an opportunity to gather with family and friends for a time of thanksgiving and visiting with one another. As empty nesters we enjoy it even more since it’s great to get the whole family… Continue Reading →
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