Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Have you received God’s gift?

What are some of the favorite gifts that you’ve received? As you grow older, you realize that the best gifts are not things but TLC – time, love, and concern from others. God demonstrated that type of love toward us… Continue Reading →

Immeasurably more

What do you imagine is the greatest thing that God could do in your life? Do you have it mind? Now, take a look at what the Apostle Paul says about God’s ability, Now to Him who is able to… Continue Reading →

Our gracious God

How do you handle difficulties when they seem beyond your ability? When we look at our resources and the magnitude of the problems we’re facing, they may seem overwhelming. There are numerous situations that seem beyond our ability but we… Continue Reading →

What is your view of God?

Your view of God determines the type of person you will become. We see an example of this principle from the life of Jonathan, King Saul’s son. Israel was in a desperate battle with the Philistines. Jonathan said to his armor… Continue Reading →

Do you have a sincere faith?

A sincere faith is a faith that is genuine and authentic. Our English word “authentic” comes from the Greek word authentikos and this word conveys the meaning of being genuine, trustworthy, reliable, and sincere. People with a sincere faith practice what they… Continue Reading →

Blessed to be a blessing

What type of person makes a difference in this world? Thomas Carlyle wrote, “No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” As we consider great men, Abraham is recognized as… Continue Reading →

Where is your confidence?

As you go through life you will inevitably face problems. The Old Testament clearly teaches, For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward. (Job 5:7) People have a number of ways to avoid dealing with the problems of… Continue Reading →

A Promise

What is your response when someone makes you a promise?  All of us have experienced the heartbreak of a broken promise.  I’m reminded of the story of a dying man who gave each of his friends — a lawyer, doctor and… Continue Reading →


What do you believe is Jesus’ plan for your life?   This is an important question that unfortunately may be ignored because of the urgent demands of everyday life.  The Apostle Paul provides a succinct answer in his letter to… Continue Reading →

Don’t Settle!

Why are we prone to settle for less than God’s best?  Perhaps we take our cue from the world rather than God’s word.  As Robertson McQuilkin wisely observed, “Average is not necessarily normal.”  Watchman Nee in his classic, The Normal Christian… Continue Reading →

The Icarus Deception

The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin is a compelling challenge to awaken the artist within you.  If you have followed Seth Godin’s blog or have read his other books you will see some familiar themes refashioned in a systematic presentation…. Continue Reading →


It’s interesting how faith is often relegated to the spiritual realm but real objective thinking is based on facts.  In my science courses in college I remember the emphasis on verifiable facts and then I took quantum mechanics and I… Continue Reading →

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