Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Ecclesiastes 12

What’s the bottom line?

When you receive a large amount of information, you’re eager to learn the essence of the content. When one of the wisest men who ever lived gives his perspective on life, then you may want to pay attention. If you’re… Continue Reading →

12 Rules for Life

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos presents practical advice from clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. The author compiles a set of ethical guidelines informed by psychology, literature, religion, clinical experience, and scientific research. This book grew out of Peterson’s hobby of… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes. Erasmus, 16th century scholar I can identify with Erasmus. The associated picture is one of the walls of my personal library…. Continue Reading →

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