Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


Eccles. 4:9-10

Dream As a Team

True leaders of any kind know “Teamwork makes the dream work.”  In fact I first heard this truth from my daughter-in-love.  She’s mainly used it with our toddler and pre-school grandsons, who want to do just about everything by themselves!… Continue Reading →

What I Learned From a Free Bike Ride

We recently enjoyed a wonderful short vacation to Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware! One special thing there is that they let people BORROW BIKES FOR FREE! (2 hr. limit) So we did– And I gleaned some life-lessons from it to… Continue Reading →

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

  I recently learned a new phrase from my daughter in law—“Teamwork makes the dream work.”  She mainly uses it with our 3 year old grandson who wants to do just about everything by himself J  Except, for many things,… Continue Reading →

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