Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



Let us rejoice and be glad

Are you rejoicing today? Perhaps you’re having one of those difficult days – it’s a day where the burden is heavy, the storm is raging, and everything seems turned against you. When you’re having a difficult day, it can seem difficult… Continue Reading →

God’s refining process

Why are some people able to persevere through adversity, whereas others are crushed by their problems? When you realize that the difficulties you encounter have a purpose, then you have the ability to withstand them. What enabled Job to persevere through… Continue Reading →

Where do you turn in times of trouble?

Difficult times are inevitable. Where do you turn when you’re facing an overwhelming situation? In the Old Testament, David provides a helpful example to help you as you face a difficult situation. David and his men were on the run… Continue Reading →

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