Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



How to Leave the Shadow

Have you ever found yourself in someone else’s shadow? Perhaps you’re following behind a great leader or celebrity—your dad, mom, older sibling, senior executive, anyone you’re close enough to for them to cast their shadow over you. Advantages of this… Continue Reading →

Leading With Chutzpah

“Chutzpah” – pronounced “HUTZ (like clearing your throat) -pah”—a Yiddish word meaning “guts, nerve, courage, moxy” on steroids.  Word we Jews would explain to our non-Jewish friends like this:  “Nerve is stealing a man’s wallet from his back pocket.  Chutzpah… Continue Reading →

Getting Rid of the Old to Make Room For the New– Part 2

Last week, we looked at the rationale behind cleaning and clearing our minds, as well as our desks.  We also looked at four of the “how”s to do that.  If you didn’t get a chance to read that yet, here’s… Continue Reading →

What to do when you don’t know what to do

What is your response when you’re facing an insurmountable problem – a situation in which you have no idea what to do? That was the dilemma that King Jehoshaphat faced: Now it came about after this, that the sons of… Continue Reading →

Leading With Courage

“’Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.’”  Josh. 14:12 A guy… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you can’t have both. Brené Brown The dilemma we face is that we want courage without the discomfort. Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do, even when it’s uncomfortable…. Continue Reading →

Learning to wait

Waiting can be difficult. We may identify with the individual who was praying and exclaimed, “God I need patience and I need it right now!”  We live in an instant society and waiting can be burdensome. Perhaps you’ve been at a… Continue Reading →

Are you living or merely existing?

There are two monumental dates in your life – the day you’re born and the day you die. You have no control over the first date and most of us do not have control over the second, but we do… Continue Reading →

The Last Arrow

The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus uses the story of Elisha’s meeting with the king of Israel as the foundation of his book. We see that Elisha instructed the king, He said, “Open the window toward the east,” and he… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill We recently saw the movie “Darkest Hour” which chronicles Winston Churchill’s initial month in office as Prime Minister. This is an excellent… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both. Brene Brown There’s a reason why we like to stay in our comfort zone, it’s easy to stay there. If you’re going to make a difference… Continue Reading →

Life is hard, but God is good

Our journey through life can oscillate between two extremes. At times we may seem to be chasing an imaginary “happily ever after” existence that seems to disappear just when we’ve achieved what we thought would make us happy. If we… Continue Reading →

Endurance by Alfred Lansing

Are you looking for a good addition to your summer reading list? Endurance by Alfred Lansing reveals the challenges Ernest Shackleton encountered on his trans-Antarctic expedition. Here’s a brief overview to whet your appetite. Endurance departed from South Georgia for… Continue Reading →

Living with Purpose – Courage

Do you ever sense that God’s purpose for your life is too big for you – perhaps a little overwhelming?  If you do that’s good news, it probably means that it’s God’s purpose and not your own plan.  As you… Continue Reading →

Exercising Courage

We face a number of fears as we go through life.  It’s been said that fear can represent the acronym:  false evidence appearing real.  There are however, a number of genuine fears we face.  This past weekend Jeanne and I… Continue Reading →

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