People treat their physical body in a variety of ways. Some people take better care of their automobile than their body, whereas other people treat their body as an idol. The Apostle Paul gives us a proper perspective: Or do… Continue Reading →
What are the characteristics of a person with a worthwhile purpose? Perhaps you’re thinking of someone with enthusiasm, conviction, and tenacity. We know that having a worthwhile purpose gives verve and meaning to life. What is your purpose in life?… Continue Reading →
People desire to live a fruitful life, but for many it seems to be an elusive quest. One of the problems is that we think that we can bear fruit in our own strength. Jesus gives us the key to… Continue Reading →
When you were young the only person you needed to be concerned about was yourself. As you grew older your responsibilities increased. I remember sitting in my Naval Leadership course in college and my instructor saying, “Next year you’re going… Continue Reading →
It’s nice to be chosen! Remember when you were young and the kids were choosing up sides for kickball – what was your greatest fear? You did not want to be the last person chosen, or worse yet, not chosen… Continue Reading →
What does it mean to be made complete? This was the Apostle Paul’s passion as he discipled others, “We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in… Continue Reading →
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