Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


C.S. Lewis

What is the key to wisdom?

Many people aspire to wisdom, but we don’t always act wise. What is the key to being a wise person? There is a group of books in the Bible known as Wisdom Literature, and the book of Proverbs is in the… Continue Reading →

How to deal with shattered dreams

Have you ever experienced the pain of shattered dreams? When the actual situation does not match our expectations, it often results in heartache. Unfortunately there is no shortage of situations that can cause us to lose heart. We are a… Continue Reading →

The parable of the messy garage

I finally put away all of the Christmas decorations and cleaned up my garage this past weekend – it’s a good feeling to have a clean garage. I can identify with 1 Corinthians 14:40, “But all things must be done… Continue Reading →

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