Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart



When the Best Action is None

Leaders, sometimes the best action is no action– to sit and wait. Yes, that’s counterintuitive. In fact, as a leadership coach I almost can’t believe I’m advocating inaction! After all, aren’t we supposed to act on our ideas, take action… Continue Reading →

Are you living or merely existing?

There are two monumental dates in your life – the day you’re born and the day you die. You have no control over the first date and most of us do not have control over the second, but we do… Continue Reading →

What are you putting off?

Procrastination is an activity that we’ve engaged in at times. When we regret our procrastination we may conclude one of these days we’re going to stop procrastinating – but not now. One benefit of procrastination is that it gives you… Continue Reading →

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