Rejoice in Him

Claire, Elisabeth, Ginger, Julie, and Rick share thoughts from the heart to the heart


2 Corinthians 5

What is the source of your motivation?

The source of our motivation may stem from a variety of reasons. Some may be motivated by a sense of accomplishment whereas others may be motivated to gain popularity. The Apostle Paul revealed the overarching motivation for Christians in his… Continue Reading →

Happy New Year

Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. James Clear As we start the new year we may introduce some new habits and resolutions, but if they are not part of our identity, they will not… Continue Reading →

Weekly Inspirational Quote

Transformation occurs when we realize who God created us to be. The above quotation reminds me of a principle I read years ago by Abraham Maslow as he described the concept of self-actualization, “What a man can be, he must… Continue Reading →

Living as an ambassador

What comes to mind when you think of an ambassador? An ambassador is the official representative of a sovereign or a state. As the official representative, the ambassador reflects the character of the sovereign or state to others; this is… Continue Reading →

Managing the transitions in your life

We face a number of transitions in life: we enter school, get a job, change jobs, develop new relationships, the transitions continue on. Transitions can be a time psychological turmoil as we leave the familiar and step into a new role…. Continue Reading →

The key to long-lasting change

We often start the new year with a sense of eager expectation of making a fresh start. We may have a number of resolutions concerning areas of self-improvement, but how effective are we at following through? Do you find it… Continue Reading →

My heart problem

I have a heart problem and the truth is so do you. The Bible teaches that as a result of the fall (Genesis 3:6) every part of man – our mind, emotions, and will have been corrupted by sin. That’s… Continue Reading →

Where is your true home?

This past week I watched as my good friend slowly left this life to enter the presence of Jesus. It’s never easy as we say good-by to a dear friend. I read these comforting words of Jesus as He spoke… Continue Reading →

Nothing To Prove

Do you ever feel at times that you don’t measure up? We’ve all experienced that nagging thought that we’re not enough. Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen is an encouraging book that enables us to rest in His sufficiency rather than trying… Continue Reading →

The Righteous Person

What comes to mind when you think of a righteous person?  We usually think of someone who is characterized by uprightness or morality.  We often evaluate righteousness by one’s external actions but Jesus goes much deeper than that – He goes… Continue Reading →

We have met the enemy and he is us

If the abundant life is God’s standard for me then why does victory seem so elusive?  Why am I not experiencing joy and peace in my life but rather I find it so easy to yield to temptation.  Although we face… Continue Reading →

Word of the Day: Reconcile

Our English word “reconcile” comes from the Latin word reconcilare which means “to bring together again” (re- “again” + concilare “make friendly”).  We often think of reconciliation in the context of interpersonal relationships, but there is an even greater separation than people who disagree with one… Continue Reading →

All this I did for thee

A few weeks ago we were in Lititz, Pennsylvania which was founded by the Moravians in 1756 and is the home of Moravian Archives Museum.  As I looked at the impressive church buildings I couldn’t help but think of Count… Continue Reading →

Embracing the new

“Don’t ever change!”  That seemed to be one of the most popular valedictions people used in signing my high school yearbook.  Now I know they meant well but consider the implications – did they really want me acting like an… Continue Reading →


Is there an area in your life where you’re longing for a fresh touch?  Early in Jesus’ ministry He gained a reputation for bringing healing to many people and they eagerly sought Him.  Mark 3:10 records,   for He had… Continue Reading →

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